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Max Stein @Ab9003

Age 33, Male


Stony Brook University

New york city, Ny

Joined on 7/26/06

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2 Frontpage Game Programmers, looking for artist for Power of 3 Contest!

Posted by Ab9003 - May 21st, 2009

Me and XdragonX10(http://xdragonx10.newground s.com/) Will be participating in the power of 3 contest and need a great artist to complete our trio. We both have created frontpage games, me with PongOut: AE and Aqua Bots and him with Medieval Rampage and Cell Warfare. What we're looking for is a talented artist to make a sort of geometry wars esque space shooter, arcade style game. If you could give us a mockup or an example of your work that'd be great.


Hey im doing ALOT of voice acting for most of the power of 3 teams

need me?
Check out my newgrounds page for my Aim name
Otherwise my Skype is Vander Tuque


Unfortunately, for this sort of project we really don't need a voice actor. Sorry :(.

Then again i doubt you'd need one.
just checking to be sure.

You really need two programmers for this?

me and xdragonx10 have several collab projects and we really do work well together. Being that you have made collabs in the past I'm sure you can understand the power in numbers.

2 programmers? I thought it was a programmer, a musician, and an artist.

"You have THREE weeks to organize a team of THREE people, most likely an artist, programmer and musician." Most likely does not mean most definately. So its most definately possible to have 2 programmers :).


That was what tom reccomnded. It can be any combination if you so wish.


I would love to do art!

You got any examples of your work? PM me.

hey i would love to be an artist for you i have never made a game before. i co-organized the dream collab which only got daily 7th. i hope you consider me :D

hey, I'd be interested in doing it if you'll have me :)

I've gotten frontpage for several submissions, these are examples I like:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/484459">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /484459</a>
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/460347">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /460347</a>

PM me here if it seems like a good fit, thanks!

ooh pick me, this is something ive been working on..
<a href="http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/210509/42408_Joker.php">http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/21050 9/42408_Joker.php</a>

I am the best artist in the entire world times approx. one billion.

I'm down for this, was it going to be a classic arcade style?

Yes, yes it is (most likely). We haven't decided who we'll use just yet but if we pick you you'll certainly be the first to know ;).

Eh, I'm down as an artist if you want me.

I'm pretty strange guy to work with though. PM me any questions.

Your definately top pick right now.

I'm a really cartoony artist, idk if you'll like my style but I guess you can see a few samples.
The first link is a jointed one - the limbs were made separately and joined using different centers of rotation.
<a href="http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/210509/77867_kapow.jpg">http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/21050 9/77867_kapow.jpg</a>
<a href="http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/210509/77974_gfhrfghfgh.jpg">http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/21050 9/77974_gfhrfghfgh.jpg</a>
<a href="http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/210509/78044_VictorNews.jpg">http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/21050 9/78044_VictorNews.jpg</a>

I would be up for doing art for this.

Cool, keep me posted :D

i can do the art and music. i will link you to some stuff in a pm. and put some ideas together. and its Really ironic, because today i was JUST drawing up ideas for a geometry style game. so in the pm i'll scan a pic of my sketches and explain it.

you can listen to my songs, they're not the best examples but it gets my style across.